
Ronald Anderson 12-10-2023
Ronald Anderson

扦插的西红柿植株是否会导致产量降低? 谢谢。





由于这是一个公开的答复,我将从远处开始,以便即使是初学者也能理解我们正在谈论的内容。 扦插包括不是通过种子发芽来获得新苗,而是通过采取现有植物的一部分并使其生根。 这也可以通过种植西红柿来实现:几根西红柿的芽可以形成自主根系产生了新的植物。

See_also: 战斗的幼虫:Nottues和Lpidoptera

特别是在种植西红柿时,习惯上要去除腋芽(也叫西施或卡卡)。 脱离的西施可以生根,进行扦插。 要使脱离的枝条生根,必须将其一端放在水中或盆土中,保持非常湿润,持续几周。 生根的方法腋芽对晚熟的番茄苗很有用。


现在我们已经看到了制作番茄插条的意义,让我们继续回答马西莫的问题。 通过扦插获得的植物与母株具有相同的遗传基因,因此从纸面上看,它们可以有同样的产量,并会结出完全相同品种的果实。 然而,经常发生的情况是,生根的雌株产量低于原株,我确定的原因是基本上有两个:

See_also: 抵御奥兹曼成虫及其幼虫的侵害
  • 移植较晚,因此有用期太短 由于切块是从现有的植物上获得的,它的准备时间往往不是移植番茄苗的最佳时间。 事实上,为了获得切块,必须首先种植母株,等到它生长到足以形成足够的雌株,修剪和扎根分支。 这些操作需要时间,很可能是与种植西红柿的最佳时间相比,扦插准备得较晚,因此发现花园里的气候不适合。
  • 根系不充分 并不确定扦插的结果是否完美,如果植物的根系发育缓慢,那么相对于茎的大小来说,它可能是不够的,因此寻找资源的能力较差,然后转化为较少的果实产量。

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Ronald Anderson

Ronald Anderson is a passionate gardener and cook, with a particular love for growing his own fresh produce in his kitchen garden. He has been gardening for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Ronald is a well-known blogger and author, sharing his expertise on his popular blog, Kitchen Garden To Grow. He is committed to teaching people about the joys of gardening and how to grow their own fresh, healthy foods. Ronald is also a trained chef, and he loves to experiment with new recipes using his home-grown harvest. He is an advocate for sustainable living and believes that everyone can benefit from having a kitchen garden. When he isn't tending to his plants or cooking up a storm, Ronald can be found hiking or camping in the great outdoors.