
Ronald Anderson 12-10-2023
Ronald Anderson

我们的读者经常问我们如何在避免化学品的同时给菜园施肥,答案是多方面的。 除了经典的有机肥料(腐殖土、堆肥、粪便)外,还有一些由天然原料制成的、与有机栽培相适应的特殊产品,这些产品可以在收获方面带来出色的效果。

我们向您介绍 自然-心灵 这是一家有趣的托斯卡纳公司,专门从事有机农业的施肥和预防真菌疾病的产品。 我们有机会试验了他们的两种产品,Naturalcupro和Ares 6-5-5,非常满意,下面我们将向您介绍它们。 如果您查看他们的在线目录,您还会发现其他几种建议。

See_also: 食物诱捕器:果园防御,无需处理。


Ares是一种粒状肥料,由有机物和矿物质的混合物组成,提供完整的营养,提供蔬菜所需的宏观和微观营养。 它的特点是通过微生物激活土壤,并通过制剂中不同类型的有机胺氮来确保营养平衡。 它非常适合于所有它引起的生物活化对需要重新激活的重度开发的土壤特别有价值。 在菜园里,它的使用方法是将其锄入土壤,剂量为每10平方米1/2公斤,而在盆地里,每升土壤中混入3克,每3-4个月一次。 Ares也可以与粪肥混合(1份阿瑞斯为两个人的粪便)。


该产品旨在对抗真菌和细菌的攻击,同时保护植物。 该产品是铜螯合物与氨基酸和其他富含类黄酮的植物提取物的混合物,对镰刀菌、根瘤菌和噬菌体等主要真菌疾病提供了良好的根部防御。 除了预防之外,Naturalcupro还通过加强细胞代谢来提高针对白粉病,Naturalcupro可与胶体硫和Naturalbio混合使用。每10平方米的菜园应使用20-30克Naturalcupro,通过施肥(即把产品倒入浇灌罐或处理泵)进行分配。



文章作者:Matteo Cereda

See_also: 如何以及何时修剪鼠尾草

Ronald Anderson

Ronald Anderson is a passionate gardener and cook, with a particular love for growing his own fresh produce in his kitchen garden. He has been gardening for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Ronald is a well-known blogger and author, sharing his expertise on his popular blog, Kitchen Garden To Grow. He is committed to teaching people about the joys of gardening and how to grow their own fresh, healthy foods. Ronald is also a trained chef, and he loves to experiment with new recipes using his home-grown harvest. He is an advocate for sustainable living and believes that everyone can benefit from having a kitchen garden. When he isn't tending to his plants or cooking up a storm, Ronald can be found hiking or camping in the great outdoors.