
Ronald Anderson 01-10-2023
Ronald Anderson




ǞǞǞ 耶路撒冷洋蓟 开花期一般从8月底开始,可以持续到整个10月,这就是为什么到目前为止(这是8月24日)它还没有开花的原因。 只要有一点耐心,在一个月左右的时间里,第一朵耶路撒冷洋蓟的花就会到来。



因此要等一两个月才能开花,而要收获的话,你必须等到第一次霜冻,然后美味的耶路撒冷洋蓟就可以采摘了。 这种神奇的植物,因为它的生长量很大,而且很容易种植,可以开出美丽的黄花,有点让人想起向日葵。

See_also: 种植沙拉:栽培技巧

由Matteo Cereda回答

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Ronald Anderson

Ronald Anderson is a passionate gardener and cook, with a particular love for growing his own fresh produce in his kitchen garden. He has been gardening for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Ronald is a well-known blogger and author, sharing his expertise on his popular blog, Kitchen Garden To Grow. He is committed to teaching people about the joys of gardening and how to grow their own fresh, healthy foods. Ronald is also a trained chef, and he loves to experiment with new recipes using his home-grown harvest. He is an advocate for sustainable living and believes that everyone can benefit from having a kitchen garden. When he isn't tending to his plants or cooking up a storm, Ronald can be found hiking or camping in the great outdoors.