
Ronald Anderson 12-10-2023
Ronald Anderson

萝卜丝烩饭是秋冬季节的经典菜肴之一,与南瓜烩饭齐名。 萝卜丝有许多品种,根据每年的时间,你可以选择你最喜欢的品种和你的菜园提供的品种。 种植萝卜丝并不困难,即使在不太有利的时期也可以利用你的菜园。

See_also: 2023年厨房花园日历:免费下载

我们用晚熟的Radicchio和核桃来准备这道烩饭,它的特点是它的叶子是锥形的、长的、脆的和甜的。 与核桃的结合给这道菜带来了非常愉快的脆性。 最后,用帕玛森奶酪和黄油做一个漂亮的mantecatura会给你一个奶油和美味的烩饭!

准备时间: 30分钟


  • 300克超细米
  • 300克萝卜丝
  • 50克去壳的核桃仁
  • 半个洋葱
  • 40克黄油
  • 50克帕玛森奶酪
  • 1升蔬菜汤
  • 100毫升白葡萄酒

季节性 : 秋天的食谱, 冬季的食谱

碟子: 素食第一道菜



将洋葱切碎,在锅中用一半黄油炒至半透明,加入米饭,炒一分钟,用白葡萄酒脱脂,让它蒸发,然后加入萝卜丝,洗净,擦干,切成小块。 煮5分钟,加入几勺汤。

See_also: 蚂蚁:如何让它们远离植物、菜园和花园

继续煮饭,一旦前一勺汤被完全吸收,就加入一勺汤。 煮到一半时,加入切成粗粒的核桃。

当米饭变硬且不太干时,关火并加入剩余的黄油和帕玛森奶酪。 用力搅拌,让它在盖子上静置两分钟,然后再食用美味的意大利饭。



  • 塔莱吉奥 在烹调结束时,如果你正在寻找一种新的烹饪方法,可以尝试用塔勒吉奥奶酪代替黄油和帕尔马森奶酪来制作奶油。


  • 斯佩克。 你可以在盘子里加入脆皮斑点条,让意大利饭有一种烟熏的味道


法比奥和克劳迪娅(Stagioni nel piatto)的食谱

阅读所有Orto Da Coltivare的蔬菜菜谱。

Ronald Anderson

Ronald Anderson is a passionate gardener and cook, with a particular love for growing his own fresh produce in his kitchen garden. He has been gardening for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Ronald is a well-known blogger and author, sharing his expertise on his popular blog, Kitchen Garden To Grow. He is committed to teaching people about the joys of gardening and how to grow their own fresh, healthy foods. Ronald is also a trained chef, and he loves to experiment with new recipes using his home-grown harvest. He is an advocate for sustainable living and believes that everyone can benefit from having a kitchen garden. When he isn't tending to his plants or cooking up a storm, Ronald can be found hiking or camping in the great outdoors.