
Ronald Anderson 12-10-2023
Ronald Anderson

芹菜是一种味道与芹菜非常相似的蔬菜,但它的肉质更结实,可以煮着吃,也可以生吃。 我们已经在Orto Da Coltivare上写过如何种植它,但今天我们要给你一些想法,如何把它带到餐桌上。 我们以非常简单的形式提供它:一种新鲜的、色彩丰富的沙拉,作为主菜或开胃菜都很合适。光。

芹菜、胡萝卜、橄榄和烟熏三文鱼,用特级初榨橄榄油、柠檬汁和酱油制成的美味乳液调味。 蔬菜和鱼的存在使这道沙拉成为一道出色的主菜,是那些想吃得有滋有味并保持清淡的人的理想选择。 另外,通过小剂量的准备,它可以作为美味的开胃菜按杯供应。

准备时间: 10分钟


See_also: Piccapane:萨兰托的有机素食农业旅游
  • 400克芹菜
  • 400克胡萝卜
  • 250克烟熏三文鱼
  • 20个甜绿橄榄
  • 4汤匙特级初榨橄榄油
  • 2汤匙低盐酱油
  • 1汤匙柠檬汁
  • 未经处理的柠檬皮
  • 1汤匙芝麻

季节性 : 冬季食谱

盘子 : 主菜,前菜


芹菜和胡萝卜去皮。 洗净所有的蔬菜,然后将芹菜切成条状,胡萝卜切成非常薄的片状(也用去皮器)。 在煎锅中把芝麻烤几分钟,不要加任何调味料。

将蔬菜和切成条状的烟熏三文鱼一起放入沙拉碗中。 加入烤过的芝麻和橄榄。

See_also: 橄榄树疥疮:诊断、预防、生物治疗

用叉子将油与柠檬汁和酱油快速混合,直到形成乳状液。 加入磨碎的柠檬皮,然后给芹菜沙拉上色。



  • 素食者 如果想吃素食,只需取消三文鱼,你可以用马苏里拉奶酪代替,或者用其他蔬菜或豆类代替素食版本。
  • 黑醋。 如果你不喜欢酱油,你可以用香醋代替。 在这种情况下,要调整盐,也要去掉柠檬,以免酸度过高。

法比奥和克劳迪娅(Stagioni nel piatto)的食谱

阅读所有Orto Da Coltivare的蔬菜菜谱。

Ronald Anderson

Ronald Anderson is a passionate gardener and cook, with a particular love for growing his own fresh produce in his kitchen garden. He has been gardening for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Ronald is a well-known blogger and author, sharing his expertise on his popular blog, Kitchen Garden To Grow. He is committed to teaching people about the joys of gardening and how to grow their own fresh, healthy foods. Ronald is also a trained chef, and he loves to experiment with new recipes using his home-grown harvest. He is an advocate for sustainable living and believes that everyone can benefit from having a kitchen garden. When he isn't tending to his plants or cooking up a storm, Ronald can be found hiking or camping in the great outdoors.